Monday, August 31, 2015

Texture and Space

-the repetition of a visual element in a regular sequence
-It can begin with units and shape in an image; repeated

-surface quality of objects in an image
1) tactical texture: creating a surface that you can feel or have a sense that it can be touched
2) visual texture: 2-D illusion that is implied texture

-This type of texture implies the illusion that you actually touch the painting, you could "feel" the object.

-putting together a various amount of materials together on a 2-D area
-This is important because it makes the image not ordinary and has the illusion of a single image when really there are multiple images in one.

-appearance that is "truly the same"
-Verisimilitude is a texture that makes the object look like how it really is.

-"to fool the eye"
-In this kind of illusion, it makes the image appear to be mare than what is really is.

-objects or forms allow light to pass through
-Transparency occurs when to forms overlap but both objects are seen in the image.

-when objects are placed on top of each other in order to create a sense of depth
-Instead of images being separated, they stacked onto another and it gives more definition into the image.

1) one-point: only one vanishing point
-In one-point perspective, all the parallel lines converge into one vanishing point to make people look through one way.

2) two-point: two-vanishing points
-The image is seen at an angle where none of the objects are parallel on the picture plane.

3) multi-point: has multiple vanishing points; minimum of 3
-Multi-point perspective an be best described as bird's eye view or worm's eye view.

-the higher the image, the further away it seems/ the lower the image, the closer the image
-This dynamic shows more depth in the image rather than the image being bland.

-a dynamic illusionistic effect when something is at a certain angle that's directly pointed to the viewer.
-This dramatic illusion makes the image almost come out of the frame and put right in front of the viewer. 

-has parallel lines that don't converge toward to a common vanishing point
-This kind of illusion is more commonly used in traditional Japanese art and engineering.

-placement of elements in a composition that are cut off by the boundary
of the design

-Since in this form the image is cut off, it makes the viewer imagine what else there could be as a part of the image

-the objects are placed within the boundary; instead of being cut off
-The image stays within the boundary that is set to stop the viewer to see what else that could be.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Through the Design Process


  • Definition: investigating the study of sources so that the facts can help carry out the whole idea efficiently
  • When ever an idea is formed, there has to be a certain extent of research that should be done


  • Definition: a small concept or description
  • While going through the design process, thumbnails help develop the idea that was originally formed.

Color Comps

  • Definition: basically it is a final draft that is presented before the final product is sent out


  • Then the final product is completed and either produced, published, or just in general shown to the world

Introduction of Myself

   Hey there! My name's Tatiana but some people call me Tati, I'm really okay with either one. I get easily mistaken for a middle schooler because of my height but too me it's something that I take with a grain of salt. My two strongest passions are fashion and dance; from time to time I like to mix them together. I have been dancing for most of my life and fashion would be super important, especially when it came to the costumes and outfits I had to wear. Me and my mom would either create my outfits or style pieces together for my performances.

   In my free time, my favorite show to watch is Teen Wolf because of the supernatural stories they add into the show, not only for guy guys with abs!! I can listen to almost all different genres of music but there are a few exceptions. My main goal is to become a well-rounded person and be able to experience different things in life while learning from them.
Cute Hello Kitty 3