Hey there! My name's Tatiana but some people call me Tati, I'm really okay with either one. I get easily mistaken for a middle schooler because of my height but too me it's something that I take with a grain of salt. My two strongest passions are fashion and dance; from time to time I like to mix them together. I have been dancing for most of my life and fashion would be super important, especially when it came to the costumes and outfits I had to wear. Me and my mom would either create my outfits or style pieces together for my performances.
In my free time, my favorite show to watch is Teen Wolf because of the supernatural stories they add into the show, not only for guy guys with abs!! I can listen to almost all different genres of music but there are a few exceptions. My main goal is to become a well-rounded person and be able to experience different things in life while learning from them.
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