Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unity and Emphasis

Visual Perception
-creating a visual unity is based on the fact that the viewer is looking something to relate the various elements
-it is basic human nature to look for pattern and unity

-a unified configuration or pattern of visual elements whose properties cannot be derived from a simple summation of its parts
-this is when some people see one image but then others see another image

-the degree of closeness in the placement of elements
-simply placing objects near each other provides a sense of unity

-A line or edge that continues from one form to another, allowing the eye to move smoothly through a composition
-this is used to show that there in some flow in the image instead of being plain

-A network of horizontal and vertical intersecting lines that divide spaces and create a framework of areas
-This is usually used in serial design & layouts in books or magazines

Unity with Variety
-the combination of two elements that create emphasis
-it makes an image become whole

-Using the same visual element over again within the same composition
-this emphasizes the image throughout the work

Varied Repetition
-a variety amount of of repetition in one work of art
-this not only emphasizes the image but also creates more variety in the work of art

-an image that implicates there is a figure in the work of art
-this element shows more expression and realistic representation

-A visual representation that may have little resemblance to the real world. Abstraction can occur through a process of simplification or distortion in an attempt to communicate an essential aspect of a form or concept.
-although, this shows only the association of the actual form but not necessarily the form itself

-juxtaposing two opposites, our eye tends to go straight to that area because it stands out from the rest of the image
-provides quality and value in the work

-by setting something off by itself, or isolating it from everything creating emphasis
-this makes the object in the work stand out more compared to the other objects in the image

-putting something in a particular place in order to achieve something
-this creates more emphasis for the image by having it stand out based in where it's placed

One Element
-attracts more attention to the viewer by having one focus throughout the work
-mainly used when a designer only has seconds to viewer and pull them in

Emphasizing the whole
-attracting attention to the viewer with multiple focus points throughout the work
-this is mainly used with multiple medias and in utilitarian designs (maps)

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